Let's Work Together
Bankside Design Studio is a full-service design studio based in Ontario. We specialize in a comprehensive approach to new builds, renovations, and remodels that accounts for every facet of a home project, including exterior and interior design. We work closely with clients, guiding them through every step of the process between our collaborative vision and their custom home.
Our team offers a truly client-centered experience with industry-leading rendering software that gives our clients the opportunity to see our plans come to life in real time. Ultimately, our work is founded in our ability to listen to our clients and turn their needs into practical solutions.

New Home Design
Creating a cohesive and effortlessly livable home from nothing requires intention and expertise. We have the skill and experience to handle every phase of the design process, including exterior concepts, innovative 3D renderings, construction drawings, and comprehensive project management. Throughout the process our clients have a guiding hand and listening ear as we bring their home to life.
PHASE I: PROJECT DISCOVERYIn this initial phase, we spend time getting to know each client and honing in on their aspirations and needs for their home project. Once they have completed our inquiry form, we are able to outline the specifics provided and begin developing project goals. We will schedule an in-home consultation to walk through the space together and discuss your ideal home in-depth. We will turn this information into a detailed proposal that will give you a clear understanding of what to expect in terms of timeline and budget.
PHASE 2 : SCHEMATIC DESIGNThe design process begins by understanding the objectives of your project through information gathering. We will meet and discuss your visions and goals for your home. We will study your existing home and review additional parameters such as zoning and budget to develop a set of design drawings. Our design is inclusive of both interior and exterior design and our process is an interactive and collaborative experience. Once we arrive at a design that aligns with your vision, we will move forward to develop the concept further.
PHASE 3 : DESIGN DEVELOPMENTDuring this phase, we will define structural systems, building envelope, and materials both inside and out. We will discuss any revisions to budget and schedule and make any necessary adjustments to the design to stay in line with the overall project goals and constraints. These important decisions will have a great impact on the performance and look of your completed home, as well as informing the next phase of work.
PHASE 4 : WORKING DRAWINGSWith the design finalized and the layout confirmed, we now ensure all details are coordinated with outside consultants and engineers to deliver you a comprehensive set of working drawings for permits and construction. Detailed drawings developed at this stage make certain the design is executed properly and the build process runs seamlessly. We continue to engage with you at incremental steps for review and feedback as the drawings progress.
PHASE 5: CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIONThe services provided during this phase partner with construction teams and consultants to ensure they are following the drawings and design intent. We review shop drawings for items such as millwork, trusses, floor joist systems, structural steel, and windows and doors. We will provide clarifications and answer questions from the contractor as well as accommodate any changes that arise during construction as we execute our shared vision.
The Process
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